Upgrade Your Lighting & Get So Much More...
With the emergence of LED products, the UK lighting market is currently undergoing an unprecendented shift towards new technology. LED is a light source that has become a viable and extremely efficient replacement to conventional lamps and with the many benefits that LED has to offer, more and more companies are switching over.
Getting lighting right is important for the energy efficiency of a building and the well‐being of its occupants. Up to 40% of a building's electricity use is accounted for by lighting, while the right level and quality of light improves the alertness and accuracy of those working in it. It is estimated that up to 75% of buildings have outdated lighting which is not only inefficient in its energy consumption but is also not delivering the optimum visual environment for its occupants.
Some 80% of our sensory input at work comes through our eyes; compromising our vision is, therefore, not an option when considering energy efficiency measures. It is vital to provide good quality lighting that is designed to match the tasks being undertaken and to respect the needs of the occupants.
Watt Energy Saver's Specialist Energy Engineering division have a wealth of experience in the design and installation of low energy lighting, helping you find the right solution for your site. In many cases, CO2 is reduced by over 40% and ROI is achieved in under 2 years.
With the emergence of LED products, the UK lighting market is currently undergoing an unprecendented shift towards new technology. LED is a light source that has become a viable and extremely efficient replacement to conventional lamps and with the many benefits that LED has to offer, more and more companies are switching over.
Getting lighting right is important for the energy efficiency of a building and the well‐being of its occupants. Up to 40% of a building's electricity use is accounted for by lighting, while the right level and quality of light improves the alertness and accuracy of those working in it. It is estimated that up to 75% of buildings have outdated lighting which is not only inefficient in its energy consumption but is also not delivering the optimum visual environment for its occupants.
Some 80% of our sensory input at work comes through our eyes; compromising our vision is, therefore, not an option when considering energy efficiency measures. It is vital to provide good quality lighting that is designed to match the tasks being undertaken and to respect the needs of the occupants.
Watt Energy Saver's Specialist Energy Engineering division have a wealth of experience in the design and installation of low energy lighting, helping you find the right solution for your site. In many cases, CO2 is reduced by over 40% and ROI is achieved in under 2 years.
The Auspicious Advantages
Whilst calculating a payback on the capital cost can be an influence over the decision making process, the less tangible benefits should also be considered. Good lighting has been shown to have a positive effect on staff morale, performance and even productivity so the long term benefits to a deeper refurbishment may outweigh any fiscal ones.
Whilst calculating a payback on the capital cost can be an influence over the decision making process, the less tangible benefits should also be considered. Good lighting has been shown to have a positive effect on staff morale, performance and even productivity so the long term benefits to a deeper refurbishment may outweigh any fiscal ones.
To encourage businesses to invest in low carbon, energy‐saving equipment, the Government introduced the ECA scheme in 2001. The scheme provides a tax incentive to businesses that invest in equipment that meets published energy‐saving criteria. The Energy Technology List (ETL) details the criteria for each type of technology, and lists those products in each category that meet them.
The ECA scheme means that businesses can offset a significant part of the product and installation cost against taxable profits in the year of purchase. This provides a cash flow boost and incentive to invest in energy saving equipment. In addition, from point of installation your business will benefit from reduced carbon emissions, increased efficiency and lower energy bills, as well as a better quality of light when and where it’s needed. This is maximised by the use of controls.
The example below shows the effect on a £100,000 investment in an eligible solution:
Standard Capital Allowance
Enhanced Capital Allowance
Have You Seen the Light! Why Not Give Us a Call? - 0845 475 7710
To encourage businesses to invest in low carbon, energy‐saving equipment, the Government introduced the ECA scheme in 2001. The scheme provides a tax incentive to businesses that invest in equipment that meets published energy‐saving criteria. The Energy Technology List (ETL) details the criteria for each type of technology, and lists those products in each category that meet them.
The ECA scheme means that businesses can offset a significant part of the product and installation cost against taxable profits in the year of purchase. This provides a cash flow boost and incentive to invest in energy saving equipment. In addition, from point of installation your business will benefit from reduced carbon emissions, increased efficiency and lower energy bills, as well as a better quality of light when and where it’s needed. This is maximised by the use of controls.
The example below shows the effect on a £100,000 investment in an eligible solution:
Standard Capital Allowance
- Business can write off 10% of the qualifying costs against the taxable profits per year on a reducing balance basis. Relief is spread over several years.
- On £100,000 spent in the year of purchase the effect of the allowances would be to reduce the business’s tax bill by £2,700.
Enhanced Capital Allowance
- Business can write off 100% of qualifying costs on eligible plant & machinery against taxable profits in first year after the investment is made.
- On £100,000 spent in year of purchase the effect of allowances would reduce the business’s tax bill by £24,000 (assuming Co. pays full corporation tax rate).
- Companies within the charge to Corporation tax, a first-year credit of up to 19% of the eligible expenditure may be claimed (to the extent this expenditure creates a taxable loss).
Have You Seen the Light! Why Not Give Us a Call? - 0845 475 7710